
田根なつ紀,西村匡司「気管挿管下人工呼吸法」救急・集中治療医学レビュー2016-’17 ―最新主要文献と解説―.岡元和文,横田裕行編集.総合医学社.2016年,pp 70-73.

堤 理恵,中瀧恵実子,阪上 浩,西村匡司「ICUでの栄養療法」栄養療法がわかる!できる!(レジデントノート増刊 Vol.17)泉野浩生編集.羊土社.2016年,pp 3260-3267.


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Chikata Y, Unai K, Izawa M, Okuda N, Oto J, Nishimura M. Inspiratory tube condensation during high-flow nasal cannula therapy: a bench study. Respir Care. 2016 Mar;61(3):300-5.

Onodera M, Okuda N, Izawa M, Nishimura M. Delirium during noninvasive positive pressure ventilation: a prospective observational study. J Pulm Respir Med. 2016.6:1.

Nishimura M. High-flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy in adults: physiological benefits, indication, clinical benefits, and adverse effects. Respir Care. 2016 Apr;61(4):529-41.

Oto J, Su Z, Duggan M, Wang J, King DR, Kacmarek RM, Jiang Y. Efficacy of coaxial ventilation with a novel endotracheal catheter equipped with a functional cuff: A swine model study. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2016 Apr;33(4):250-256.

Phua J, Joynt GM, Nishimura M, Deng Y, Myatra SN, Chan YH, Binh NG, Tan CC, Faruq MO, Arabi YM, Wahjuprajitno B, Liu S-F, Hashemian SMR, Kashif W, Staworn D, Palo JE, Koh Y; ACME Study investigators; Asian Critical Care Clinical Trials Group. Withholding and withdrawal of life-sustaining treatments in low-middle-income versus high-income Asian countries and regions. Intensive Care Med. 2016 Jul;42(7):1118-27.

Hayashida K, Umegaki T, Ikai H, Murakami G, Nishimura M, Imanaka Y. The relationship between sedative drug utilization and outcomes in critically ill patients undergoing mechanical ventilation. J Anesth. 2016 Oct;30(5):763-9.

Arabi YM, Phua J, Koh Y, Faruq MO, Nishimura M, Fang W-F, Gomersall C, Al Rahma HN, Tamim H, Al-Dorzi HM, Al-Hameed FM, Adhikari NKJ, Sadat M; Asian Critical Care Clinical Trials Group. Structure, organization, and delivery of critical care in Asian ICUs. Crit Care Med. 2016 Oct;44(10):e940-8.

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